We’re excited to announce that you can have rich text formatted with Markdown tags in your notes in Masterlist: Focus & Tasks.

It is available with version 1.7.0.

Upgrade now!

Quick demonstration

Supported Markdown Tags

*italics* or _italics_
**bold** or __bold__

# Header 1


Header 1

## Header 2


Header 2

### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5 #####
###### Header 6 ######

	Indented code blocks (spaces or tabs)

![Images](<Name of asset in bundle>)

[Referenced Links][1]
![Referenced Images][2]

[1]: http://voyagetravelapps.com/
[2]: <Name of asset in bundle>

> Blockquotes

- Bulleted
- Lists
	- Including indented lists
		- Up to three levels
- Neat!

1. Ordered
1. Lists
	1. Including indented lists
		- Up to three levels

Compound rules also work, for example:

It recognises **[Bold Links](http://voyagetravelapps.com/)**

Or [**Bold Links**](http://voyagetravelapps.com/)